The 8th Wine of Swissmas…

Over a week into our 12 Wines of Swissmas, we finally visit an American winery favorite, and it’s a new personal favorite that Wisconsinites have been eagerly embracing after trying their first glass.  It hails from Hillsboro, Oregon, a bit west of Portland.  This Pacific Northwest winery, Oak Knoll, has produced some of the finest […]

The 7th Wine of Swissmas…

…Is often left out, misrepresented and passed over as a result of the common association of its varietal. It’s kind of like being grouped with other people by quick association…you know especially what I mean when at the holidays, “Oh, you’re from that side of the family” or “you’re his son.” Associating too quickly makes us unfairly judge the […]

The 6th Wine of Swissmas…

A “household name” is something the relative common person should recognize or know, and while in the diverse world of wines produced across the globe there are innumerable producers, wines and regions, France’s Rhone Valley is of course close to a household affiliation with great red wines. It’s no great coincidence then that as we […]

The 5th Wine of Swissmas…

…Is not just a favorite of mine, but most of us here at Swiss Cellars.  And if sales and repeat customers are what you like to do the talking more (Well, a) stop reading and listening to me and b) know that this is one of our most widely placed French wines ever in restaurants […]

The 4th Wine of Swissmas…

…Is a special little treasure I love to share with wine lovers who might just like a little horizon broadening.  I have certainly underwent my fair share of experiencing new things in the world of wines since joining the industry as only a novice wine lover just over 3 years ago, with no intent to […]

The 3rd Wine of Swissmas…

…is one of the best from Italy.  Barolo!  I’ll spare the suspense but will not skip the details. Peggy Farrell of Swiss Cellars champions our 3rd Wine of Swissmas today.  Farrell, our Milwaukee wine diva and Old World wine snob (don’t worry she’s really nice, I promise!) has been enjoying her wine for a long […]

The 2nd Wine of Swissmas…

For the second wine of Swissmas we visit our neighbors to the north of yesterday’s Swiss selection, France. From nearly the beginning of Swiss Cellars, founder Laurent Crolla began importing not just wines from his native of Switzerland, but also from his almost literal stone’s throw neighbor of France. At the center of the Old World […]

The 12 Wines of Swissmas

We’re all plenty familiar with the “12 Days of Christmas,” the traditional folk song and all its hilarious puns and the rest of the drawn out season of libation, err, I mean celebration. It’s no secret much consumption occurs during the December holiday season and whether your enjoyment of it is more as an ease […]